Store Locator Script

Version 2.0
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Store Locator Script, StivaSoft
StivaSoft's store locator script is a PHP based script that allows you to integrate a Google map based shop finder into your website. With a few simple steps and a single license purchase you can install our store locator on any website within minutes.

With StivaSoft's store locator on your website, your visitors will be able to locate addresses and find shops and dealers using a powerful search engine. Through a password protected page only authorized users can manage stores, addresses, opening times, map zoom level, and distance metrics.

The appearance of the Store Locator can be easily changed via an external CSS file, so it will perfectly match your website design. With a Developer license you receive the PHP Source codes and you can install the store locator script on multople websites. You are also allowed to make your own amendments to the script. A User License requires Zend Optimizer and you are not allowed to modify the PHP code.

StivaSoft store locator script can be easily integrated into WordPress, Joomla, oSCommerce based websites or any other web page - HTML, HTM, PHP, ASP, JSP, etc. Free installation support is included in both User and Developer packages.
Viewed 1896

Top Features of Store Locator Script

Store Locator Script Feature
Custom store Images

Our Google Maps Store Locator allows you to add a custom image or logo for each store or business location. Images are uploaded directly from your computer.

Store Locator Script Feature
Geo Coding

With our Zip Code locator your visitors can find automatic geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) by entering the street address, zip code or simply by dragging the pin on the map

Store Locator Script Feature
Google Map Direction

With our Google Maps Store Locator your website visitors can take advantage of the Google Map Directions by entering their current location on the store list. The system will suggest directions and the transit locations will be listed on the left.

Store Locator Script Feature
Language & Translation

Translate the Store Locator script to your native language. Our PHP Store Locator comes with a Language Module that lets you translate and edit all front-end and back-end titles.

Store Locator Script Feature
User Level Access

The Store Locator script provides two levels of access to the admin panel – admins, who have full access to the system and editors, who have limited access only to Stores and Categories menu.

History Log
25th Aug 2013 2.0
License & Pricing Information
Unencrypted source files. You have access to the source and you can modify the software files in order to add new features and customize the design and functionality.
Encrypted source files. You cannot change the source and make your own modifications to the script.
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Store Locator Script, Store Locators Store Locator Script, Store Locators
This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation
Extra Services
Free Setup
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