Invoice Manager

Version 3.0
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Invoice Manager, StivaSoft
Looking for an easy, self-service Invoice Manager to add an online invoicing and billing functionality to your e-commerce website? Stop and take a closer look at our PHP invoice script! The invoice system contains all must-have features you might need. If not, we can further upgrade its functionalities to meet your exact requirements. With our PHP billing software you can control all orders and invoices from a centralized admin area and manage your customer database online.

Create invoices, set up recurring invoices, print invoices for your archive and email them to your clients with a few clicks. All your customers' details are stored in a safe and secure place, accessible online through the script back-end system. You can edit them, when and if necessary. Our Invoice Manager script will automatically fill in client details into a each invoice. Just select the client.

The invoice management system gives you the ability to create various Invoice/Email/Print/Payment templates using a simple Word-like editor and the tokens we have predefined for you. You can personalize your Invoice Templates by adding your company details, logo and other visuals.

The built-in duplicate invoice feature of our billing software makes it easier for you to manage recurring invoices. To issue a recurring invoice, first you have to select its recurrence period. The invoice script will create a new invoice with the same details but the current date.

Get detailed reports for your invoices based on different criteria: period of time, client and date range, currency and date range, status and date range, payment type and date range. Our PHP invoicing system will generate them automatically for you. Just enter the respective time period.

Want to make your own custom changes to the Invoice Manager's source code? Buy it with a Developer Licence and get it started!
Viewed 1077
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Invoice Manager

Invoice Manager Feature

Professional Business Helper

Invoice Manager is created to facilitate your billing process. It helps you to issue electronic invoices, manage recurring invoices, email invoices to clients, print invoices. Thanks to simple WYSIWYG text editor and the available tokens this script is a perfect online invoicing assistant.
Invoice Manager Feature

Import & Export Client Database

You are able to edit the customer's details if necessary. The script will fill automatically the info into a each invoice. Import and export customer data entries into and out of the online billing software and extract data in CSV format.
Invoice Manager Feature

Customers' Details

The client database is an important part of the Invoice manager. It fills the client's details into every single invoice.
Invoice Manager Feature

Generate Reports

The Invoice Manager generates reports depending on your criteria and business needs - period of time, client and date range, currency and date range, status and date range, payment type and date range.
License & Pricing Information
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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Invoice Manager, Shopping Carts
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