Version 1.2
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Keeping™ is the world’s first helpdesk that works inside Gmail.

Keeping™ is a Gmail extension that adds helpdesk functionalities to any Gmail or Google App email accounts.It allows you and your team to manage customers support more efficiently directly from your current mailbox without having to use an external helpdesk.
Viewed 842
System Requirements


Top Features of Feature
Automatically answer repetitive questions There’s no bigger drain on productivity than being forced to type the same replies over and over again. When a new support email comes in, Keeping™ automatically suggests possible responses based on previous answers. If no match is found, a new response can Feature
Add collaboration to email For excellent customer service, your entire team should be involved. Keeping™ lets everyone in your team receive, respond to and assign support emails directly from within their own mailbox. All support emails get organised in a new section of your mailbox and are separat Feature
Track how well your team assists customers Keeping™ lets you measure important metrics so that you can improve how well you assist customers over time. See how many support inquiries you’ve received and how quickly you’ve responded. Drill down by date and monitor your team’s performance.
License & Pricing Information
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Screenshots, Customer Support, Customer Support
This product comes with
Email Based; Free Support
Source code
Video Tutorials; Documentation

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