Restaurant Menu Maker

Version 1.0
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Restaurant Menu Maker, StivaSoft
Let your customers taste your meals with their eyes first! With PHPJabbers' Restaurant Menu Maker you can easily integrate a fancy online menu into your gastronomy website - no matter how it was built. Script admins can select the theme that suits their website branding best among 10 color variations. The online menu script front-end is responsive and loads on various mobile devices regardless of the screen size. This will allow your customers to review your meals anytime and from anywhere. Furthermore, you can translate your online menu into multiple languages.

Create multiple main and subcategories for your dishes and assign countless products to them. Set different portion sizes, define prices for each type. Make your online menu unique by adding delicious-looking images and tasty descriptions. Launch various special offers and combo meals to attract more clients and increase customer loyalty. Select the meals that you want to include into the promo menu and the number of people it should apply to. Enable/disable the offer when necessary, without deleting it from the back-end system.

There are two types of users who can access the admin panel of Restaurant Menu Maker - administrators and editors. Admins have full access rights and can manage various PHPJabbers scripts from a unified control area called One admiN. The restaurant menu script can be installed on domainA and used on domainB, even on external websites. This will increase your online visibility and pump up sales.

If you buy the Restaurant Menu Maker with a Developer Licence, you can modify the PHP source code and adapt it to your exact business needs. The User Licence allows you to make multiple installations of the restaurant script, but only we can customize it upon request. To install the Restaurant Menu Maker you just need to copy/paste a few lines of code as duly instructed in the back-end system. We can also provide a FREE installation to spare you the extra efforts. Just contact us.
Viewed 1143
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Restaurant Menu Maker

Restaurant Menu Maker Feature

Start Your Menu

Create your unlimited menu. Use the option to fill up the categories with plenty of your meals and products. You can manage them by the user-friendly back-end system.
Restaurant Menu Maker Feature

Combo Meals

There is an easy way to promote your special offers. Just use the Combo Meals through out the separate system menu. Маке them irresistible for the clients, adding tasty-looking images and detailed descriptions.
Restaurant Menu Maker Feature

Rule Each Meal

Make all dishes flexible to order - show the different portion sizes and prices. Change, in case of need, the product status - enable or disable.
Restaurant Menu Maker Feature

Admin Panel

Use the possibility to operate the web based admin panel. It is accessible for two types of users - administrators and editors, and it is specially built for non-technical users. This makes Restaurant Menu Maker an easy-managing business script.
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Source code
Unlimited Domains; Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Extra Services
Free Setup
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