Revive Adserver Plugins

Version Revive Adserver V4.2.0
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Revive Adserver Plugins, Revive Adserver Mod
Boost up your Revive and OpenX experience with the revive plug-ins offered by A unified hub to find the ideal solutions to enhance your revive ad server functioning. Make the most of the open source platform with our enhanced revive ad server plug-ins.
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Top Features of Revive Adserver Plugins

Revive Adserver Plugins Feature

Mobile Ads Plugin for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver Mod provides various mobile advertising plugins for Revive Adserver to run your mobile advertising campaign effectively with enhanced features. There are plugins for Mobile Targeting, Mobile Ads SDK for iPhone/Andr

Revive Adserver Plugins Feature

Video Ads Plugin for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver Mod provides various video advertising plugins for Revive Adserver to run your video ads campaign effectively with advanced features. There are several plugins for Video Ad Network such as FLV Banners, Pre-Roll Plus

Revive Adserver Plugins Feature

Targeting Plugins for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver Mod provides various Targeting plugins for Revive Adserver to run your online advertisement campaign effectively by delivering Ads to your targeted audience. There are various plugins for Targeting such as Targetin

Revive Adserver Plugins Feature

Reporting Plugins for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver Mod offers various reporting plugins for Revive Adserver to manage and report your online advertisement campaign efficiently. There are number of Revive Adsever Plugins such as Country Statistics, Real Time statist

Revive Adserver Plugins Feature

IAB Ad Formats for Revive Adserver

Revive Adserver Mod provides several IAB Ad Formats for Revive Adserver to build your reputation by serving standardized ads through your Ad Network. There are plugins for Mobile, Video and Display with IAB standard Ad units. Have a

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Revive Adserver Plugins, Business & Finance Revive Adserver Plugins, Business & Finance
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