Inout SocialTiles

Version 1.0
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Inout SocialTiles, Inout Scripts
Build your own feature rich social networking portal and connect millions with Inout Socialtiles.

Inout SocialTiles is a perfect choice for instantly starting your own competitive social networking site. With Inout SocialTiles members can make friends, dreams, journals and join groups and events. Inout SocialTiles is rich in diverse features. One of its main attraction is a simple and elegant tile interface that helps you get easy access to the entire system's functionality. Inout SocialTiles creates a fun place to hang out. Inout SocialTiles comes with multilingual support, user friendly chatting, effective content management system, provision to manage custom fields etc. Marketing on Inout SocialTiles is quite easy and it can be very useful with regards to gaining exposure for the products or services that are being offered. Experience the new generation tile interface.

A perfect solution to connect your people and spice up your ambiance.
Viewed 848
System Requirements

* Linux/Windows*/Solaris/Mac Webserver
* PHP+MySQL Support
* Ioncube / Ioncube loader supported hosting
* Make sure that mail function is enabled in your windows webserver

Top Features of Inout SocialTiles

Inout SocialTiles Feature

Interactive Tile Interface

Inout SocialTiles presents itself in an attractive yet user friendly tile interface. It provides a striking user interface for your users. Users can get quick access to every features that it offers and can enjoy better.

Inout SocialTiles Feature

Group your People with Club

People with similar thoughts can be brought under a single roof. With clubs they can share their thoughts, photos and videos. The creator and the members can invite other friends to join the club.

Inout SocialTiles Feature

Stylish User Journal

Create your own journals and let your friends know about it in an instant. Let your journal reach out instantly to your friends. Your friends can read and comment or like it.

License & Pricing Information
* 1 year FREE updates.
* 1 year FREE standard support.
* 1 time free installation.
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Inout SocialTiles, Blog Inout SocialTiles, Blog
This product comes with
Email Based; Free Support; Life Chat; Phone Support; Ticket System
Source code
Copyright Removal; Encrypted ; Source Code Included
Extra Services
Custom Modifications; Free Setup; Free Updates
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