My Review Room

My Review Room SaaS
Reviewroom makes it easy to collect, organize & evaluate applications online. It’s the perfect solution for grants & scholarships, admissions, awards, fellowships, journal submissions and more.
Have applicants complete custom online forms, submit supporting materials (documents, images, video, audio, etc), & even request recommendation letters online. ReviewRoom can be customized to match your existing application process & workflow - it's that easy!
Reviewers & judges can collaboratively evaluate, rank and review applications. Rating forms can be customized to match any scoring system that’s needed. Reviewers can randomly review applications or be specifically assigned by the administrator.
Applicant data is stored in a secure database and can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Customized reports can be generated with beautiful charts & graphs, summarizing rankings & applications. Data can be viewed online or exported at anytime.
Stop worrying about cluttered inboxes, never ending attachments and unorganized paper applications. Manage an entire application process in one centralized, secure, cloud based platform: receive and organize all types of digital content, store files, communicate with applicants, review applications, collaborate, and more.
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Top Features of My Review Room

My Review Room Feature

Real-time overview

A real time dashboard view will keep you updated on everything that’s happening in your ReviewRoom. Keep track of incoming submissions, attachments, evaluations, rankings, and more. 

My Review Room Feature

Automatic sorting & categorization

Incoming applications are automatically sorted and categorized, making it easy for administrators and reviewers to access the materials they need.

My Review Room Feature

Communicate with applicants & reviewers

Easily connect with applicants and reviewers through one interface. Send emails to individuals or groups with the click of a button, and keep track of every message sent.

My Review Room Feature

Flexible evaluation tools

Reviewers and judges can evaluate applications by filling out custom made ranking & evaluation forms. Review data is automatically tabulated and logged.

My Review Room Feature

Automate repetitive tasks

Based on criteria that you control, ReviewRoom can automate the distribution of emails, the generation and distribution of reports, the sending of deadline reminders and much more without any human involvement.

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