
Version 3.0.0
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Sciretech, Sciretech
Sciretech is a professional multimedia file manager that allows you to upload multimedia content and play and view it directly in your browser. You can create files directly on the server and export to other formats. Supported formats for online editing are doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, pps, odt, ods, odp, sxw, sxc, sxi, pdf, rtf, html, txt, csv, jpg, png, bmp. A fully functional user and admin panels allow for easy management of all multimedia file traffic.
Viewed 773

Top Features of Sciretech

Sciretech Feature

Browser Supported Content

With Sciretech Multimedia Manager there is no need to install any additional applications to view and play your multimedia content. Users can do so directly in their browser-view images, play flash-files, play mp3 and movie-files, switch between gallery and table view or play multimedia content without previewing it.

Sciretech Feature

Easy admin panel

The back-end of Sciretech Multimedia Manager allows administrators to manage the whole system-from user and group management to themes, files, directories, newsletters, languages even statistics are provided. This powerful software has it all

Sciretech Feature

Multi Language Support

The system has the capability to be used in different languages. It's easy to manage existing language files or add a new language with Sciretech

Sciretech Feature


The statistic shows you detailed information about your system. You can see a graphical representation of total number of files, total volume, total uploads/downloads, number of all system groups, number of all access groups, number of all users, number of all directories, etc.

License & Pricing Information
400 EUR
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Sciretech, Multimedia Sciretech, Multimedia Sciretech, Multimedia Sciretech, Multimedia Sciretech, Multimedia Sciretech, Multimedia
This product comes with
Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation

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