
Version 4.1.5
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ClipShare, Envient
ClipShare is the ultimate script for starting your highly profitable video sharing community website just like Youtube.

Easy to install, integrate, and maintain and packed with features like multi-language module (over 20 languages available), full SEO links, Youtube Automatic video grabber plugin, ads System, customizable CSS templates, and many more!

ClipShare is a powerful system that will help you create a successful media sharing community of your own.
Viewed 5113

Top Features of ClipShare

ClipShare Feature

Easy to use admin panel

The admin panel allows for easy administration of every aspect of the system--from profile and user settings to email and templates, ClipShare's admin area makes makes sure your system is setup the way you want it

ClipShare Feature

Multi-language support

The system supports over 20 different languages. It's easy to manage existing language files with ClipShare

ClipShare Feature

Embeddable videos

ClipShare allows members to share videos. They can simply put the video HTML code and the clip will appear into web pages or MySpace/Friendster profiles

License & Pricing Information
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ClipShare, Multimedia ClipShare, Multimedia ClipShare, Multimedia ClipShare, Multimedia
This product comes with
Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation

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