Centova Cast

Version 2.2.3
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Centova Cast, Centova Technologies Inc
Centova Cast is an easy to use web-based radio stream control hosting solution. Through the advanced panel admins can control and manage streaming radio servers, disk and data transfer quotas, user accounts and much more.

Centova Cast provides comprehensive statistics and reports-Recent Activity, Listener Countries, Live Listener Statistic, Track Statistics are some of reports included at the back-end. Some of the top features of Centova Cast are: easy to configure and administer, ability to add tracks to a playlist and schedule them to play at a certain time, client self-management through an easy to use web-based control panel, and many more.
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Top Features of Centova Cast

Centova Cast Feature

Playlist Scheduling

Use the drag-and-drop functionality to add tracks to a playlist. Tracks can be scheduled to play at a certain time, immediately, on a rotating/repeating schedule, etc..

Centova Cast Feature

Statistics & Reports

Various statistical reports are available to monitor activities-Recent Activity, Listener Countries, Live Listener Statistic, Track Statistics, and many more.

Centova Cast Feature

Easy to integrate and administer

Whether you are a seasoned pro or a beginner Centova Cast is easily configured. Admins can control all aspects of the system through an easy to use web-based administration panel. The back-end panel enables for control and administration of all client accounts.

Centova Cast Feature

Client Self-Management

Centova Cast enables client to manage their own streaming server accounts through and easy-to-use web-based control panel

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Centova Cast, Multimedia Centova Cast, Multimedia
This product comes with
Manuals; Documentation

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