Scriptoid s.r.l

Version 1.0
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Scriptoid s.r.l , Scriptoid s.r.l
ABC Time Tracking is a web based time tracking application you can install on your server. It features a simple and easy to use admin panel where administrators/project managers can get a daily/monthly overview of employees worked time.
Manage projects, users, clients and tasks with ABC Time Tracking. Simple and advanced reports with time sheets are available for projects, clients, employees.
Viewed 803

Top Features of Scriptoid s.r.l

Scriptoid s.r.l  Feature

Easy Admin panel

Admins can control and manage different options at the back-end-run reports by user for a specified period of time, manage users, projects, clients, etc..

Scriptoid s.r.l  Feature

Report Generation

Admins have the ability to run reports per customer, per project, per employee for a specified period of time and get the total amount of hours worked.

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This product comes with
Manuals; Documentation

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