Product Comparison Script

Version 1.0
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Product Comparison Script, StivaSoft
Product Comparison Script is a smart PHP web application allowing buyers to check various products and services against each other. They just need to select the models or types of products they are interested in. You can compare more than two products at a time by all system predefined categories and features.

Add countless products and nest multiple models/types to each product. You can enable/disable each product without deleting it from your database. Select the categories (set of features) which will be displayed in the comparison table for this product type. Each category goes with an editable name and description field. Admins can also specify the order in which categories will appear in the table and see how many features a given category contains.

What is the difference between category and feature? If we take a cell phone, for example, the Category would be Display, whereas Display size, Resolution, Brightness etc. would be the Features. You can add Features from the designated menu in the back-end system and assign them to the respective category. Each feature has a title, description and an image for better visualization. Filter features by category and status.

Two types of users can access the Product Comparison Script back-end system: Administrators and Editors. An Installation Wizard will automatically install the script for you. We can also provide a FREE installation support upon request. Product Comparison Script is available both with a Developer and User License. Check our website for more details.
Viewed 1386
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Product Comparison Script

Product Comparison Script Feature

Category Filters

Customers are able to filter and narrow the comparison to one category only. It is up to compare script's authorized admins to decide whether to show price as a comparison component or not.
Product Comparison Script Feature

Lots of Comparisons

Using Product Comparison Script, you can compare a lot of products and services. Even to embed each product comparison separately. Each set of products/services can include countless items.
Product Comparison Script Feature

Translation Module

You can add multiple languages for all products, features and categories, so that customers can easily switch between the available language versions. If necessary, compare script admins can translate all back and frond-end texts, titles and system messages.
Product Comparison Script Feature

More Settings

The script gives you the possibility to expand and collapse categories. By this way you can emphasize special features when comparing products.
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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Product Comparison Script, Miscellaneous
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