Interactive Floor Plan

Version 1.0
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Interactive Floor Plan, StivaSoft
With the Interactive Floor Plan software you can create an impressive visual presentation of your properties for sale and/or rent, exhibitions, fairs, events, parks or playgrounds. Our floor plan tool will enable you to combine floor plans, map schemas and pictures taken on site and turn them into an attractive and interactive presentation.

Upload your floor plan / map image and add an image gallery to it. Then place camera icons and info icons on your floor plan / map scheme. They will display photos and infoboxes on mouseover. You can rotate camera pins and define the way the photo will show up to give visitors a clear idea of the angle and the perspective the photo was shot from at the specific room or area of the floor plan scheme.

You can create unlimited floor plan presentations and interactive maps and embed them into your web pages by copy and pasting a single line of code. You can also use our Interactive Floor Plan tool on multiple domains. Add multiple script users - administrators and editors, depending on your business needs.

The real estate presentation software can be purchased both with a Developer and a User Licence. The first licence gives you the right to customize the source code on your own. If the User Licence meets your requirements and budget better, we can make all necessary modifications upon request. Both licences guarantee you FREE installation support and FREE software updates.

Use the Interactive Floor Plan software to enhance your website visitors experience and give them visual insights of your real estate or facility. If you have any questions or need a technical advice, don't hesitate to contact us anytime.
Viewed 1197
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Interactive Floor Plan

Interactive Floor Plan Feature

Image Gallery

Help your potential clients receive clearer view of what they will see live. Add multiple images and a detailed info about all facilities to enrich your floor plan. Both thumbs and full-size images are available.
Interactive Floor Plan Feature

Camera Pins Managing

Create your interactive map and pin cameras on to show the place and angle from which the photo was taken. The info icons will show infoboxes with more details. Rotate and resize the camera icons and set tooltip position.
Interactive Floor Plan Feature

Infobox Pins

With Interactive Floor Plan you can show a photo of each room/space and angle, because the camera icons can be placed anywhere on the map. It is also easy to use the following infobox attributes, such as short description, size, title and dimension.
Interactive Floor Plan Feature

Easy-to-use Control Panel

The admin access give you the right to control all system settings. The administration page doesn't require any special IT skills and from the back-end you can control the image gallery (resize, rotate, add), translate titles into your native language, add users (editors, admins).
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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Interactive Floor Plan, Miscellaneous
This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Source code
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Video Tutorials
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Free Setup
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