
Version 1.0
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EnjoyHint , XB Software
Check out a new free web tool that adds interactive hints to your site or app, thus allowing your users to navigate your site or app with ease. The web-tool is created with the use of JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS.
Viewed 1017

Top Features of EnjoyHint

EnjoyHint  Feature

Interactive hints

Possibility to add instant tips that provide a description to the user about the field they are in

EnjoyHint  Feature

Scenario of coherent actions

This feature allows adding a sequence of hints for all necessary steps

EnjoyHint  Feature

Auto-focus highlighting

It includes automatic focus on the area related to the hint and its instant hightlighting when the hint loads

License & Pricing Information
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EnjoyHint , Miscellaneous EnjoyHint , Miscellaneous
This product comes with
Email Based
Source code
Open Source License
Extra Services
Custom Modifications

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