
Version 5.0
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AppGini , BigProf Software
AppGini is a powerful database tool that lets you generate multi-user web and database applications in a couple of minutes!Absolutely no programming skills are necessary to create tables, lookups, upload files, link data from multiple tables with AppGini.
the system allows for data export in a. CSV file.
Fully customizable hrough CSS and HTML file templates and responsive to your needs AppGini is the database tool of choice on the market today. Free trial available.
With the developer license you can create unlimited tables and fields, save projects, and edit them later.
Viewed 1218

Top Features of AppGini

AppGini  Feature

Project Creation

Creating a new project is a breeze with AppGini. Simply click the 'New Project' icon on the tool bar and start creating your tables and records

AppGini  Feature

Customizable Tables

AppGini allows you to fully customize tables settings-titles, number of records per page, add fields,specify field properties, and data types, etc

AppGini  Feature

CSS control

AppGini enables you to control the look of the generated applications using CSS files. You can modify the style of any element by editing its description and saving your changes.

License & Pricing Information
Unlimited tables and fields. Save projects and edit them later. Free upgrades for one year.
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Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation

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