PHP Classified Ads

Version 3.0
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PHP Classified Ads, NetArt Media
PHP Classified Ads is a web application written in PHP for creating general classified websites.
This pho classifieds directory is SEO optimized and has different language translations including French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Romanian and others.
The different settings of Classified Ads script like categories, locations, time zone, currency, payment plans and others can be easily modified from the administration panel coming with the ads software in order to adapt it to your regional and project requirement settings.
Other useful features like functionality to create custom fields for selected categories or their sub categories, create different pricing plans depending on the categories, create banner areas and charge the users when placing banners in them, send newsletter, see statistics and many others are included in the standard package of the PHP Classified Ads script .
The users can place their classified ads directly from the front site or register and use the advantages that the users admin panel offers to manage multiple classified ads, post banners, manage their profile and others (both options to post with and without registration are available by default, but any of them may be turned off if not necessary).
The php classified ads script comes also with RSS feeds and XML Search API, which makes easier the integration of other websites and applications.
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Top Features of PHP Classified Ads

PHP Classified Ads Feature
Easy to use AJAX administration panel

This classified ads php script comes with an admin panel, which is fast and easy to use, it helps you manage quickly the website, and and different settings.

PHP Classified Ads Feature

Feature to define custom fields for the different categories and set custom pricing for a selected category - using this functionality, you can easily create your own custom fields or adapt the php classified ads script to other types of projects, not just general classified ads portals.

PHP Classified Ads Feature
XML Search Api and Android Application

The xml search api makes the integration with other websites easier. An Android application is also available with our php classified ads directory script, that can be customized with your brand and colors and published on Google Play store, as an extra paid service.

PHP Classified Ads Feature
Responsive website layout

The php classified ads script adapts to different screen sizes and devices, so the website can be seen well even with smart phones and devices with smaller screen size.

PHP Classified Ads Feature
Google Maps integration with Geocoding

With our php classified ads software users can add maps for their listings easily by just entering the address.

License & Pricing Information
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PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads PHP Classified Ads, Classified Ads
This product comes with
Email Based; Free Support; Phone Support; Ticket System
Source code
Source Code Included
Manuals; Documentation
Extra Services
Custom Modifications; Free Setup; Free Updates; Unlimited Domains
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