Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers

Version 1.0
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Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers, StivaSoft
Install our PHP booking system on any of your web pages using a simple JavaScript code, and enable owners to manage and book shared assets more efficiently. Webmasters can purchase the Shared Asset Booking System with a Developer Licence and make changes to the source code to accommodate each customer's needs. Alternatively, end clients with no technical skills can request our customization services.

Add and personalize multiple movable and/or immovable properties into the back-end system of the shared asset scheduling software. Assign users to each asset with either administrator's, or owner's access rights. The first group has an unlimited control over the script's settings, whereas the second can only review asset reservations, make bookings on the front-end, and edit their profile details.

Each shared asset has separate booking and cancellation rules. Admins can set minimum and maximum reservation length, and define booking frequency (hourly / daily / weekly / monthly / yearly). They can also specify how many hours / days / weeks / months in advance asset owners can make a cancellation. Bookings made online will receive a "pending" status if they need to be manually approved by admins. Otherwise, they will be automatically saved as "confirmed". All users assigned to an asset can receive SMS and Email alerts which will inform them as soon as a new booking or cancellation has been made.

The front-end UI of our shared resource booking system is fully responsive, and can hence be used on various mobile devices without any functionality or visibility losses. You can choose from 10 different color themes to best match your website branding, and change them as many times as you want - free of charge and with no external help. English is set as a default language of the Shared Asset Booking System, and still you can easily translate all contents into any language using unique text IDs on the back-end. Backup your database regularly and all your files will be safe.
Viewed 906
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers

Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers Feature

Manage Shared Resources

This PHPJabbers scheduling system allows you to manage assets with shared ownership - holiday properties, vehicles, teaching rooms. The administrators can add unlimited assets from a password-protected admin panel and specify individual booking rules for each asset.
Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers Feature

Front-end Operations

Users with “owner” access rights can access the scheduling system front-end. They can preview a list of assets they own and make reservations. Owners can also review a list of bookings made by the other owners of an asset.
Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers Feature

Asset Booking System

Only administrators can manage and browse all bookings. They can also filter reservations by period, user and asset via the software back-end. Bookings can either be automatically confirmed, or approved by admins. Approved bookings can be canceled by owners only according to the rules created.
Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers Feature

Software Settings

Using shared asset scheduling software doesn’t require any specific technical skills. Admins can add and manage users, translate the software into multiple languages, backup the database.
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Shared Asset Booking System by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts
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