
Version 1.8.5
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Calendar, Solspace, Inc.
Powerful and simple Calendar module to satisfy all your calendar needs.

The Calendar module utilizes the power of EE’s native channel module. Every calendar and every event you create can therefore feature as many custom fields and categories as you like. If you can do it to an entry in EE, you can do it to a calendar or event.

The Calendar module can even import and export ICS data. You can import from and export to other calendar applications like Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, and more.
Viewed 1481
System Requirements

ExpressionEngine 2.4+
PHP 5.1.x+
MySQL 5+

Top Features of Calendar

Calendar Feature


This tab in control panel allows you to control member group permissions for each calendar and member group.

Calendar Feature

Complex and powerfull UI

The Calendar module contains a complex and powerful UI for the Publish/Edit page in the ExpressionEngine Control Panel. You can easily create very flexible repeating occurrences, as well as unlimited exceptions to the rules (include dates / exclude dates).

Calendar Feature


This tab displays a list of all existing Calendars you've created with the Calendar module.

Calendar Feature


This tab displays a list of all existing events for your Calendars. .

Calendar Feature


This tab allows you to control a variety of settings for your site in regards to Calendar data. You can modify which day is to be the first day of the week, the clock type (12/24 hour), timezone, and time formatting.

History Log
12th Sep 2013 1.8.5
License & Pricing Information
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Calendar, Booking Scripts Calendar, Booking Scripts Calendar, Booking Scripts Calendar, Booking Scripts Calendar, Booking Scripts Calendar, Booking Scripts
This product comes with
Community Forum; Email Based
Extra Services
Custom Modifications

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