Magento Store Locator by Amasty

Version 1.2.3
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Magento Store Locator by Amasty, Amasty
Help customers easily find the nearest offline store to purchase your products. Use Google map to display store locations with exact address to make the shopping process as easy as it can be.
- Quickly import GEO IP data
- Create unlimited number of store locations
- Upload images for any store you need
- Easily customize Google mark templates
- Create user-friendly URL to store locations page
Viewed 961

Top Features of Magento Store Locator by Amasty

Magento Store Locator by Amasty Feature

Let clients quickly find store locations

The customers will be able to: Sort stores by distance; See store address in a Google mark window; Zoom the map in and out; new!Specify exact search radius

Magento Store Locator by Amasty Feature

Customize store locator page

To customize the location page you can: Specify whether to use responsive template; Create page title; Insert Google mark template; Specify nice looking frontend URL

Magento Store Locator by Amasty Feature

Create new store locations

pictures for each store location. For a store locations page you need to specify: Location name; Store view; Exact address information; Position in the store locations list; Individual location picture

License & Pricing Information
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Magento Store Locator by Amasty, Store Locators Magento Store Locator by Amasty, Store Locators
This product comes with
Community Forum; Email Based; Free Support; Life Chat; Ticket System
Source code
Source Code Included
Manuals; Documentation
Extra Services
Custom Modifications; Free Updates
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