Document Creator

Version 1.0
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Document Creator, StivaSoft
Document Creator is a an intuitive back-end script developed by PHPJabbers to facilitate the electronic generation of standard documents for multiple clients. Create unlimited templates, rename and distinguish them more easily, put the respective tokens (client details) in the right places and generate your document with a single click. Use the search fields to easily locate certain customer or document. View all documents generated for a given client.

Add text content using a simple WYSIWYG editor, as well as related images, tables and graphics. If the document is for online purposes, you can also insert videos and external links. The document generation software allows you to preview, print, download and send documents to clients. Make editions to already created documents, review the change log and restore to previous versions.

Depending on your specific needs, you can translate the document generator into various languages and enable a language bar. To backup and protect your customer database, documents and templates, you just need to click a button. The script can be managed by one or multiple users with different access level (administrators, editors). Admins have full access rights - they can change settings and add other users. Editors have rather limited rights.

The installation of Document Creator doesn't require any specific technical skills. We have provided an Install Wizard which will guide you through the installation process. You can also check the video tutorials in our knowledge base to get a clearer view. Of course, we offer a FREE installation support you can take advantage of, if you would like to spare yourself the efforts.

The document creation software is available both with Developer and User Licence. It depends whether you want to make your own custom changes to the script.
Viewed 960
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Document Creator

Document Creator Feature

Manage Customer Profiles

Add countless customer profiles with the necessary details and update them later. You can deactivate a customer profile without deleting it from your database.
Document Creator Feature

Document Management

Document Creator Script generates unlimited number of web-based document templates. Each document can be extended by text, images, videos, links and tables. Preview, print and download each document , when you create it once.
Document Creator Feature

Users' Rights

Countless customer profiles can be created and edited. Their status is alterable (active/inactive). The users are 2 types - administrators and editors.
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Source code
Source Code Included
Video Tutorials
Extra Services
Free Setup
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