Ultimate Locator

Version 3.5
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Ultimate Locator, Web Logic Media,Inc.
Ultimate Locator is a PHP based Store Locator with MySQL database back-end.
It's a powerful software that allows your visitors to search for a location nearest based on different criteria: Zip Code, Location Name, State, City, Country.

Ultimate Locator supports Google and Yahoo maps with driving directions, contact info, links and more for each location.

The script comes with an easy to use online Admin Panel where you can manage the entire system from your web browser.
Viewed 723
System Requirements

Server muct support:

Operating System: Linux, *BSD or Windows operating system
Web Server: Apache, IIS or similar
Scripting Language: PHP 4.3 (or above)
Database: MySQL 3.23 (or above)
MySQL v4.1.2 or above needed for advanced searching features *
Ability to run encoded files.
We offer ionCube, SourceGuardian or Universal versions. (more on this...)
fsockopen enabled

php.ini File Settings:
safe_mode - must be turned Off.
extension_dir - should point to a valid folder and program must be able to read/write to this folder.

Top Features of Ultimate Locator

Ultimate Locator Feature

Easy Admin Panel

From the back panel of the Ultimate Locator you can manage all settings, administer records, send emails,perform database back up, and much more.

Ultimate Locator Feature

Embedded Google Maps

You can turn this option on/off easily within the Admin Panel. If you have the option enabled, your visitors can view a location without having to leave your website.

Ultimate Locator Feature

Visitor Adds

The locations can be added automatically to your database, or you can set the program to save all visitor added locations to a "pending" list. The admin can eview and approve each record manually before adding it. An email will be sent to you notifying about the new addition.

License & Pricing Information
new purchases receive 6 months of free Upgrades and Support
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Ultimate Locator, Store Locators Ultimate Locator, Store Locators
This product comes with
Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation

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