Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module

Version 1.0
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Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module, AspirantApps
Magento Google Maps Store Locator extension developed by Aapps to add and display physical stores location on Magento. Merchants can add unlimited store locations with some basic information like address, phone number, working hours, open days etc. The basic information is display when user hover mouse on any of the store location marker. The customer location is automatically detected to provide him directions to the nearest physical store from where he can pick / buy product.
Viewed 968
System Requirements

Magento Community Edition 1.4.x or later

Top Features of Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module

Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module Feature

Automatic Location Detector

The location of the customer is automatically detected to provide him direction to nearest store. The customer can also chose not to share any location information by declining the "share location" request

Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module Feature

Dual Search Feature

Provides customer an option to search by product or by store address. The Ajax based auto search completion feature provides results before the user finish with the typing the query

Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module Feature

Marker Image

Provide customer marker images to each location point. This can be used to differentiate between the Outlet, Franchise, Factory or Storage and other type of physical locations / offices

License & Pricing Information
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Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module, Store Locators Magento Google Maps Store Locator Module, Store Locators
This product comes with
Email Based; Free Support; Ticket System
Source code
Open Source License
Manuals; Documentation
Extra Services
Free Setup; Free Updates

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