Smart PHP Calendar

Version 1
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Smart PHP Calendar, Smart PHP Calendar
Smart PHP Calendar is a user friendly, ajax based and multi-user calendar/scheduling application.

Featuring multiple calendars, multiple Views, timeline, event drag & drop, double booking prevention, this highly customizable multi Language php calendar is one of the top rating event scheduling software on the market.

You only need a web browser or HTML5 supported mobile device to use Smart PHP Calendar. You can select your application theme from built-in themes or create your own by using jQueryUI themeroller.
Viewed 2758

Top Features of Smart PHP Calendar

Smart PHP Calendar Feature

Multiple views

Smart PHP calendar features multiple views -Timeline (resources on x and y axis), Day, Week, Month, Year, Custom (x Days), Agenda, Free/Busy views.

Smart PHP Calendar Feature

Multi language

Using the built-in languages of this event scheduling software you can translate the whole application to your language easily.

Smart PHP Calendar Feature

Multi user

Create and manage unlimited users. Create and manage unlimited number of groups and users with this highly cistomizable php event calendar

Smart PHP Calendar Feature

Multiple, shared and group calendars

Create unlimited number of personal calendars with different colors. All calendars can be shared with other Smart PHP Calendar users. Sharing permissions can be set for each calendar

Smart PHP Calendar Feature

Recurring events

You can create daily, weekly, monthly and yearly fully customizable recurring events using Smart PHP calendar.

Smart PHP Calendar Feature


You can select your application theme from the built-in themes or create your own by using jQueryUI themeroller.

License & Pricing Information
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Smart PHP Calendar, Calendars & Events Smart PHP Calendar, Calendars & Events Smart PHP Calendar, Calendars & Events Smart PHP Calendar, Calendars & Events
This product comes with
Email Based; Ticket System
Source code
Unlimited Domains; Source Code Included
Extra Services
Custom Modifications; Hosting Services; Mobile Version Available; Unlimited Domains

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