Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers

Version 1.0
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Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, StivaSoft
Based on one of PHPJabbers' most widely used web tools (Availability Booking Calendar), Rental Property Booking Calendar was created and tailored to meet the specific online needs of the hospitality business. Embed this vacation rental booking calendar into your website and show available dates for all your rental properties (holiday rentals, villas, apartments), allow guests to reserve and pay online, and manage bookings and payments with ease. The user-friendly administration and content management system will become your irreplaceable web assistant!
Viewed 1416
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers

Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers Feature

Simple online bookings

Customers can book rental properties on your website in a few easy steps. The smart online reservation calendar shows available and booked days / nights within the user-defined time period (months) and intuitively leads clients through the booking process. Administrators can disable online payments and accept bookings only if they wish to.
Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers Feature

Payment integration

The built-in payment module supports PayPal and Authorize.Net payments by default. You can request any other online payment gateway and we will integrate it additionally. The standard offline payment methods (CC, wire transfers, cash) go without saying.
Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers Feature

Web invoicing

In order to facilitate the financial operations related to the rental bookings, we have added a web invoicing plugin to the booking calendar script. Admins can create a custom invoice template, send out e-invoices to clients, and archive them. They can personalize their invoices by uploading a company logo and details, and also translate invoices.
Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers Feature

Smart calculations

Thanks to the smart calculation functionality, each time changes are made to a booking's payment details, prices will be recalculated and reflected both on the front- and back-end.
Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers Feature

Booking terms and conditions

Edit standard and required fields on the booking form depending on the client details you need for your database. Before submitting the form, customers will be requested to read and accept your booking terms. If there is anything you cannot modify by yourself, just contact us and we will make it for you!
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts Rental Property Booking Calendar by PHPJabbers, Booking Scripts
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Source code
Unlimited Domains; Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
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