Meeting Room Booking System

Version 1.0
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Meeting Room Booking System, StivaSoft
Meeting Room Booking System is destined for managing and renting out various training and conference rooms, board rooms, video conference calls, co-working spaces, etc. Once installed on your website, the room scheduling software will enable you to add multiple rooms, offer extra services, manage bookings, process payments, etc. The room reservation system has a responsive front-end UI allowing clients to search and book meeting rooms from any mobile device. You can install the online room booking system on any of your site pages and choose the color theme best matching your website design.
Viewed 4481
System Requirements

In order to install any of our scripts your hosting account must support PHP 5.1 or greater and MySQL 5.1 or greater.

Top Features of Meeting Room Booking System

Meeting Room Booking System Feature

Meeting Room Settings

Create multiple meeting rooms, add images and description, show capacity, and offer different room layouts to your customers. Rooms can be booked per hour, for half-day or several days. You can set the working schedule and display it on the front-end, disable bookings on particular days, and specify prices as per duration (hour / day).
Meeting Room Booking System Feature

Manage Room Bookings

The conference room reservation system provides a simple, step-by-step booking process. Modify the booking form fields. Thus, they can collect priceless client details and use them to target their promo email campaigns. You can also add and edit bookings from the back-end, and use the advanced Search to quickly find reservations. Configure booking rules, allow automatic approval of reservations, define booking status depending on payment, etc.
Meeting Room Booking System Feature

Online & Offline Payments

Clients can not only book but also pay for the meeting rooms they would like to use. Process both online and offline payments, using the default options: PayPal, Authorize.NET, CC, wire transfer, cash, or request other payment gateways. If you wish, you can also disable payments and accept reservations only.
Meeting Room Booking System Feature

Extra Services

In order to make meetings more pleasant and convenient to your clients, you can offer them a series of additional services such as administrative help, presentation tools, refreshments, technical equipment, etc.
License & Pricing Information
Source code + unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
Unlimited domain usage + free instalaltion support
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This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Video Tutorials
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Free Setup
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