Event Booking Calendar

Version 3.0.0
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Event Booking Calendar, StivaSoft
PHP/ MySQL based event registration system with a nice and adaptable calendar interface. Use the StivaSoft Event Booking Calendar on your website to create event calendars and allow users to register for events online.

Event Booking Calendar has an easy-to-use admin panel where administrators can manage events, capacity, custom ticket prices, online payment gateways, confirmation emails, booking terms, reservations, and clients. Admins can modify default booking settings, such as currency, default booking status, prices, set a custom 'thank you' page after booking, or disable payments.

An installation script will automatically install the Event Booking Calendar. After installing it onto your hosting account you can easily embed the booking system into any valid HTML web page. Free installation support is included in both Developer and User packages.
Viewed 1761

Top Features of Event Booking Calendar

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Smart Booking Engine

Our smart online event booking engine allows users to register for an event, prevent duplicate bookings and collect payments online; events cannot be overbooked. In addition, you cannot register for a passed event. Admins can set booking limits or deny bookings or payments.

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Event Management

Throuh the admin panel of our event booking software administrators can manage an unlimited number of events, organize event categories, specify custom pricing and maximum event attendees, manage recurring events and change various other settings.

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Payment Integration

Paypal, Authorize.NET and Worldplay integrations by default as well as credit card details collection. Each of the payment options can be swtiched on/off as per user preferences with a click of a button.

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Customizable Appearance

Customize your calendar's appearance - size, , colors and fonts, date/time format, event details and booking form position. You can translate the event booking engine simply by editing an external language file.

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Custom Pricing

With Event Booking Calendar you can set custom prices for different groups, such as students, children, etc.

Event Booking Calendar Feature

Email Confirmations

You can customize the email messages you send out when a payment is processed or a registration is made. Additionally, we can add an SMS notification function to your event booking system. Contact us for more details.

History Log
12th May 2013 3.0.0
License & Pricing Information
Unencrypted source files. You have access to the source and you can modify the software files in order to add new features and customize the design and functionality.
Encrypted source files. You cannot change the source and make your own modifications to the script.
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Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Event Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts
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