Availability Booking Calendar

Version 4.1
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Availability Booking Calendar, StivaSoft
Availability Booking Calendar is a PHP calendar that makes reservation management a breeze. This highly customizable calendar scheduling system shows availability, accepts online payments and helps you manage all bookings in a few easy steps.

The Availability Booking Calendar script can be integrated on any valid HTML web page and it supports oSCommerce, Wordpress and Joomla. Advanced AJAX is used to refresh the calendar booking script without refreshing the entire webpage.

The intuitive interface of this booking script allows users to book days or nights with a few easy clicks. The booking calendar is offered under 2 licensing options: User and Developer. User license allows you to install and use the availability booking system on a single website while the Developer license allows for multiple installations and source code modifications. Installation support & all minor version updates of this booking software are FREE!
Viewed 1374

Top Features of Availability Booking Calendar

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

Customizable Booking System

You can enable/disable fields, choose between day or night bookings, configure maximum booking length or further customize your booking engine by adding custom 'Thank you' pages and your own booking terms.

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

Multi Calendar Support

With a single installation you can create as many calendars as you like and easily include them anywhere you wish. Each calendar is uniquely configured. For instance, you can disable features for one calendar but enable them for another; you can handle bookings individually

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

Customize Calendar Appearance & Language

Through the admin panel you can manage calendar options and customize your calendars to match your website design: size, colors, font and date formats, week numbers, color legend and more. You can translate the calendar simply by editing a plain text external language file.

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

Smart Calculation

Set a deposit percentage required for booking and the amount of the deposit payment will be calculated automatically before submitting a reservation.

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

Email Auto Responder

With our online booking calendar you can send confirmation emails to your clients and notify them for successfully submitting a payment or booking. Customer notification messages can be customized.

Availability Booking Calendar Feature

PHP Source Code

The Developer License gives you the freedom to modify the source code and make your own changes to both design layout and software features. You can also have multiple number of installation with this type of license.

License & Pricing Information
Unencrypted source files. You have access to the source and you can modify the software files in order to add new features and customize the design and functionality.
Encrypted source files. You cannot change the source and make your own modifications to the script.
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Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts Availability Booking Calendar, Booking Scripts
This product comes with
Tech Support 24/7
Source code
Copyright Removal; Source Code Included
Manuals; Video Tutorials; Documentation
Extra Services
Free Setup
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